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WELCOME to Poulsbo For All !
Poulsbo is full of caring, forward-thinking people of all ages, backgrounds, and dreams. Poulsbo for All Is a forum for information about local government and community concerns. See our BLOG for more details and important links! Check out Poulsbo for All on Facebook. Join us in attending city council meetings - become a participant in civic life.
What's Ahead?
What do you think about Poulsbo's future?
Can you give an hour or two each month to
help ensure our city is affordable, accessible, and welcoming for all?
The good news is that we have more impact working together, at the local level, and at this scale! Visit the City's website and watch a recording of a Council meeting to get a feel for how things move (or not). And always feel free to send your thoughts to the Mayor, City Council, and local media. Links are also found on the Blog and Recommendations pages.
Join us for our monthly gathering!
- Fri, Aug 02PoulsboAug 02, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PMPoulsbo, 18920 4th Ave NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370, USAFriday, August 2, 2024, 6pm Poulsbo First Lutheran Church, 18920 4th Avenue NE, Poulsbo, WA, 98370
- Fri, Jul 12PoulsboJul 12, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PMPoulsbo, 18920 4th Ave NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370, USASpecial Topic Discussion (Please view the video documentary before attending the conversation). More info on the Poulsbo for All Facebook Page
Poulsbo City Council Meeting, Wednesday, 3/20/24, 5pm -
NOTE regarding City Council Meetings: At the mayor's urging, Poulsbo City Council has replaced ALL committee meetings with a "special meeting" for city business that immediately follow each regular council meeting (the first 3 Wednesdays of the month). Meetings are open to the public and also available via BKAT cable tv channel 112 and livestreaming via the link on the city website
"COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS can be made in-person or virtually via Zoom. Please state your name and limit comments to 3 minutes unless additional time is granted
by Council. As a rule, the Council will not respond to citizen comments." -City of Poulsbo
Recordings of previous council, committee, and commission meetings are also available on the council meeting page link.
Racism and turmoil in North Kitsap School District :
Kitsap Sun 4/23/23
PfA Letter to the city
Community chat on NK Community Facebook page
**1/22/23 Poulsbo for All's Opinion in Kitsap Sun (2,000+ reads), "What Foster’s departure says about city’s culture" - click here
**1/15/23 -
Kitsap Sun reports on departure of city prosecutor Alexis Foster following police officer ethics breach - click here
January, '24: Council meeting (1/17/24) discussion notes the Community Book+ Read Program will continue in '24, headed up by Councilors Britt Livdahl and Pam Crowe. Stay tuned for upcoming plans!
March 8: Mayor Erickson presents the "State of the City" at the council meeting, 5pm
February and March 1st meetings discussed a "community read event" (2/1/23, Councilor McVey) on racism and social justice; subsidized and affordable housing; 10% of Poulsbo residents live in poverty (Census report); St. Michel Medical Center may fund the Fire CARES program (rather than city funds); Parking Commission formation (Councilors Stern, Livdahl, McVey, and chaired by Ray Stevens); Mayor: "Full steam ahead for PERC" (original plan revised from $30m rec and events center to two soccer fields for $12m and annual maintenance fees of $600k0; property crime; new fireworks policy; ARPA funds update; Housing, Health, & Human Services update on new programs, including telephone support for seniors; unanimous vote, including local tribes, to sign onto a RAISE Grant application that would study connecting Poulsbo to the STO - Sound to Olympics trail
January meeting topics include new development on Viking Way, emergency preparedness (Poulsbo passes in one of 17 areas), and more
November 9, 2022, 5pm, Council Meeting Agenda includes "Council Goals Continued Discussion", 2023-24 City Budget, and property tax levy.
November 2, 2022, 5pm, Poulsbo Council Meeting topics will include:
* Raab Park upgrade for all abilities and wheelchair friendly access,
* Nordic Cottage Project Update (low income senior housing),
* Extension of ARPA funds (federal COVID money) for free behavioral health counseling at Fishline in 2023,
* ILA SWAT Agreement with KCSO and WA Dept of Fish & Wildlife (This interlocal agreement is between Kitsap County, City of Poulsbo and the WA State Department of Fish and Wildlife for the formal establishment of a regional SWAT Team. “This is a multi-jurisdictional approach to expand the capabilities of each agency and provide for sharing of personnel, equipment, knowledge and resources in high-risk critical incidents.”
October, '22: Poulsbo for All members continue communications with the mayor and council regarding DEI measures in city government and the healthcare crisis at St. Michael's Medical Center Emergency Room and issues of safety and staffing throughout the medical center. In a recent Kitsap Health Board meeting Director Dr. Gib Morrow revealed that Kitsap County has only 50% of the healthcare resources (including hospitals, clinics, and practioners) necessary to serve the current population of our county. While the Growth Management Act mandates policies for critical resources like land use, utilities, transportation, environment, and recreation, healthcare is NOT addressed!
September, '22: The Mayor and Council moved to replace individual committees that previously met each month in focused sessions with single, combined sessions that precede monthly council meetings (first three Wednesdays). This format will continue through December and then be evaluated to determine if it should be continued permanently or return to the previous fashion.
August, 2022: Council is moving to condemn the former Public Works site on Iverson St. before giving it (at no cost) to Poulsbo Farmers Market & Coffee Oasis. Citing Fishline's financial assets Mayor Erickson declined their request for $25,000 to help pay the salary of a counselor, yet recent Coffee Oasis IRS filings indicate roughly $3.5 million in assets (more than Fishline).
6/29/22: Joint Meeting of Poulsbo City Council and Suquamish Tribal Council video link here.
6/1/22: Tune into the city council meeting for more discussion on plans to transfer the Public Works property (later slot in the agenda).
5/18/22: the agenda for tonight's meeting includes discussion of giving (no charge) 3.5 acres of prime public property (the current Poulsbo Public Works site) to Coffee Oasis and Poulsbo Farmer's Market. See our June blog for PFA's questions and recommendations regarding this public property.
Mayor Erickson is pushing the Council to approve the conversion of an existing "green" roof (to filter storm water) at City Hall into a PATIO (video clip), primarily for use by City employees. Estimates to replace the functioning roof are $250,000 or more. Aren't there more urgent infrastructure and human service needs? What about solarizing the roof to power City Hall?
Councilmember Britt Livdahl attended the G.A.R.E. (Government Alliance on Race and Equity - see our EQUITY page) annual membership meeting in Portland in April. See her brief comments about the conference to the City Council here and PfA's remarks here.
While attending the Halloween "Ghosts in the Graveyard" community event at the Poulsbo Cemetery, Councilman Ed Stern was shocked to discover how much clear-cutting has been done by housing developers. They left no green buffer, but extended their development right up to the edge of the cemetery. No privacy between new homes and gravesites.
The Housing Action Plan Workshop report to the Council (November 10, 2021) gave an overview of current city demographics, existing housing stock, housing costs, and strategies for the future:
- Poulsbo rents are the highest in Kitsap County;
- During 2018 to 2019, rent increased 48% while income increased only 29%;
- 90% of Poulsbo workers do not live in Poulsbo, largely due to
- 60% of Poulsbo jobs are low wage (less than $3,300/month);
- 34% of renters and 29% of home owners are “cost burdened” (spend over
30% of monthly income on housing;
- 28% of Poulsbo residents are over the age of 60 and will reach
40 within the next 10 years;
- Current construction is ahead of city goals and the houses being built are
NOT affordable for those most in need of housing.
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