The Poulsbo area was historically inhabited by the Suquamish people for at least 5,000 years, until they were moved to the Port Madison Indian Reservation after the signing of the Treaty of Point Elliott in 1855. Poulsbo was founded in the 1880's by Norwegian immigrant Jørgen Eliason, who was joined by other Norwegian and Scandinavians relocated from Midwestern states.

Until World War II, many Poulsbo residents retained Norwegian as a primary language. During the war the population diversified and English became the dominant language. Today Poulsbo's population is ~ 12,000 and growing (2.26%).
Demographics (, US census, 2019):
White: 8,891 - 83.86%
Two or more races: 552 - 5.21%
Hispanic: 501 - 4.73%
Asian: 440 - 4.15%
Black/African American: 137 - 1.29%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 72 - 0.68%
Native American: 9 - 0.08%
Born in US: 92.5%, Born in WA: 36.8%
Poulsbo Adults: 8,332 (2,289 of whom are seniors)
Education: HS grad: 19.34%, Some College: 25.75%, Bachelor: 25.3%, Graduate: 15.9%
Poverty rate: 7.52% (9.82% female, 4.7% male)
Median Income: Families - $99,120, Non-Families - $40,781
Households: Owner: 63.9%, Renter - 36.1%